Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for 8th Generation Apps -Global Earth Map Live apps
Effective Date: 11 – 09 – 2023

1. Introduction
Welcome to the Vidmy Video Downloader, Player developed by 8th Generation Apps -Global Earth Map Live apps. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose your information when you use the App, as well as your privacy rights and legal protections.
By using the Service, you agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Interpretation and Definitions
The capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy have specific meanings defined under the conditions outlined herein.
For the purpose of this Privacy Policy:
"You" refers to the individual using the Service, or the entity represented by that individual, as applicable.
"Company" (referred to as "We," "Us," or "Our") pertains to 8th Genration Apps -Global Earth Map Live apps
"Application" means the software program provided by the Company named Video Downloader.
"Affiliate" implies an entity with ownership of 50% or more of shares, equity, or voting rights in a party.
"Account" denotes a unique account created for You to access our Service.
"Service" refers to the Application.
"Country" refers to the United States.
"Service Provider" signifies any natural or legal person processing data on behalf of the Company.
"Personal Data" is any information related to an identified or identifiable individual.
"Device" encompasses any device capable of accessing the Service, including computers, cellphones, and digital tablets.
"Usage Data" denotes data automatically collected during the use of the Service.
"Data Controller" refers to the Company as the entity determining the purposes and means of Personal Data processing.
"Do Not Track (DNT)" refers to a concept promoting user control over online activity tracking.
"Business" (for CCPA) signifies the legal entity collecting Consumers' personal information.
"Consumer" (for CCPA) means a California resident.
"Sale" (for CCPA) relates to disclosing personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration.
3. Collecting and Using Your Personal Data
Types of Data Collected
•    We may collect the following information:
•    Usage Data, including IP address, browser type, pages visited, visit duration, and unique device identifiers.
•    Information from Third-Party Social Media Services, allowing registration and login through platforms such as Google and Facebook.
Your Consent and Our Use of Your Personal Data
•    By using our App, you consent to:
•    Processing of account data for login or registration and third-party services like Apple ID, Google, and Facebook.
•    Non-sharing of user-tracked data with third-party advertisers.
•    We may use Personal Data for:
•    Service provision and maintenance.
•    Managing your account.
•    Contacting you for updates or informative communications.
•    Providing news, offers, and information about our products and services.
•    Addressing your requests.
Sharing Your Personal Data
•    We may share your information in the following scenarios:
•    With Service Providers assisting in app development, analytics, and advertising.
•    For business transfers, mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.
•    With affiliates and business partners.
•    With other users when you interact or register through third-party social media services.
4. Retention of Your Personal Data
We retain Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy. Usage Data may be retained for internal analysis purposes.
5. Transfer of Your Personal Data
Your data may be processed outside your jurisdiction, but we take measures to ensure its secure handling.
6. Disclosure of Your Personal Data
We may disclose Personal Data for legal obligations, protection of rights, and safety.
7. Security of Your Personal Data
We employ security measures but cannot guarantee absolute security.
8. Detailed Information on Processing of Your Personal Data
We use Service Providers for data processing and analytics. Third-party advertising may use cookies for personalized ads. Opt-out options are available.
9. GDPR Privacy
We process Personal Data under various legal bases, including consent, contract performance, legal obligations, vital interests, public interests, and legitimate interests. You have rights to access, correction, objection, erasure, data portability, and consent withdrawal.
10. CCPA Privacy
You have rights under CCPA, including access, opt-out of sale, request for deletion, and non-discrimination.
11. "Do Not Track" Policy
Our Service does not respond to Do Not Track signals.
12. Children's Privacy
Our Service is not intended for children under 13, and we do not knowingly collect their information.
13. Your California Privacy Rights
California Business and Professions Code Section 22581 allows California residents under 18 to request the removal of publicly posted content or information.
14. Links to Other Websites
We are not responsible for third-party websites' content or privacy policies.
15. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy and will notify you of changes.
16. Contact Us
For questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
By using our Vidmy Video Downloader, Player, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with these terms, please refrain from using the App.


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